The words power chairs covers a vast array of options. Whether you need a chair purely for indoor or outdoor use or a versatile cross over to do both we have a solution for you. Complementing that the ever increasing selection of input devices means controlling chairs has never had so many solutions.
The SEGO seating coupled with the powered seat functions all controlled through the joystick delivers both comfort and support. Whether you only sit for a short time or require full time postural control our chairs fit the bill.
We are very aware that powerchair users are very dependent on their chairs, and need them being reliable… with that in mind we only supply chairs in the Midlands so we can support you efficiently should you require assistance.
As many people have found during lockdown that having someone local they can rely on to respond to their mobility needs is invaluable.
The Front Wheel Drive SANGO combines a compact chassis for tight turning for indoor environments with large drive wheels at the front to overcome larger obstacles when outdoors.
The Mid-Wheel Drive SANGO, as you might expect, offers the best of both worlds. This is a wheelchair offering steady steering and stability, along with an agreeably small turning circle.
The Rear-Wheel Drive SANGO offers particular advantages when driving takes place outdoors and across various terrains. This wheelchair steers extremely steadily, even at high speeds. The rear-wheel drive can be fitted with sprung front forks for even more comfort.
Depending on what the wheelchair will be used for, the environment involved and any individual requirements, a rear-wheel drive (RWD), mid-wheel drive (MWD) or front-wheel drive (FWD) base unit can be selected. The base units are optimally sprung for comfort. If required, the castor forks in the RWD and FWD models can also be fitted with additional suspension.
As the SANGO advanced can be made with a seating height of just 39 cm (even with a powered adjustment), it is an ideal wheelchair for using in a car. When indoors, the wheelchair easily fits under worktops and tables.
To come up with a design that was even more slim than the SANGO advanced SEGO comfort, DIETZ Power developers went a very long way. They even managed to reduce the width of the frame without it affecting the wheelchair’s handling, stability and technical possibilities. The SANGO slimline SEGO comfort is just 41 cm high, which makes it still easy to slide under worktops and tables.
This powered wheelchair with front-wheel drive is very strongly built and offers reliability. It combines excellent driving characteristics with optimum manoeuvrability and great performance outdoors.
In addition to all of this, users of the SANGO xxl can opt for powered adjustments (such as a back adjustment, tilt adjustment, seat lift and the “Catapult” seat) up to the maximum user weight – something that other models on the market do not offer.
Increase your comfort - Increace your mobility and independence
Often users of Power chairs are sitting for long periods of time, and this brings its own problems. The principal of pressure care is to distribute the weight over as big an area as possible to reduce the risk developing pressure points.
As a rough guide when we sit upright 78% of our weight is transferred through our buttock and thighs and 18% through our feet if everything is set correctly. With only 4% being supported by our backs
Some power functions like the seat raiser are practical for everyday life; however the tilt in space function makes a massive difference to the 78,18,4 weight distribution. By redistributing the weight more onto the occupants back when tilted backwards with the added bonus of reducing the sitting fatigue from staying in the same position for hours.
When we get tired our heads drop, ever fallen asleep on a plane? And wished you had bought the neck pillow! That’s because once the head goes in a direction the body follows, so if it goes to one side not only does the spine bend but a percentage our 78% is now loading onto one side of our bottom. Even more uncomfortable is if the head goes forward onto our chest as it stretches the muscles at the back of the neck and we know about it when we wake up...
Not only can we offer a wealth of experience when it comes to customising your chair to you. DIETZ also offer the possability to have the chair covers hydro dipped for you own colour scheme.
Make your chair, Your chair...
Taking control, with the development of better technology the control of the chair has never been so varied. From choosing how far you need the joystick to move, to acceleration and turning speed taking control has never been easier. The joystick isn't limited to just driving the chair; take control of your seating position be that raising and lowering the seat, or tilting back for a rest you are in control. The advanced systems even enable you to control your environment as well as your mobility, TV, Computer and Lights etc. (other products may be required to enable these options)
Operation is not just limited to hands, head switches, chin control even tongue operation is achievable contact us for more information on advanced controls.
We love helping our customers, so feel free to contact us...
TEC Healthcare Ltd.
26 Rupert Kettle Drive, Bishops Itchington, Southam, CV47 2PU
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